Phase 10 Cards

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Phase 10 Rules

Do you love to play card games? Know how to play Phase 10 with your friends for the best fun time. We have elaborated all the Phase 10 rules, phases, instructions, and scoring rules of phase ten card game. Phase 10 is a popular card game created in 1982 on a variant of rummy which can be played with a special deck or two usual deck of cards. Two to six players can play this card game which has ten phases. If you love to play card games on your PC, then you can download phase 10 online for free to have fun during your leisure hours. It is perhaps one of the highest played game yet one of the most complicated one. In order to make it simpler, we have explained all phase 10 rules along with a detailed guide on how to play phase 10 card game.

  • A Phase 10 box consists of 110 cards: 2 reference cards, 24 x 4 number cards in red, blue, yellow, and green, numbering from 1-12 twice. There are also 4 Skip cards and 8 Wild cards in the deck. Skip Card: This card forces the next player in the rotation to forfeit their turn.
  • The goal of Phase 10 is to be the first player to get ten varied phases with two sets of three, one run of seven, or seven cards of the same color. There are also two special cards. Wild cards can be used as a color card to complete a phase or in place of a number card. There’s also Skip cards that will force another player to lose a turn.

You would surely like to refer our other posts explaining cribbage rules and how to play spades. We are providing the rules and methods of playing all the pop card games like bridge, spades, hearts game, crib, phase 10 and crazy eights. To play Phase ten, you require special deck of cards with total number of 108 card. The deck will include 24 cards of red, orange, green yellow marked from 1 to 12 (in 2 sets), 4 skip cards and 8 wild cards.

The goal of Phase 10 is to be the first player to get ten varied phases with two sets of three, one run of seven, or seven cards of the same color. There are also two special cards. Wild cards can be used as a color card to complete a phase or in place of a number card. There’s also Skip cards that will force another player to lose a turn.

Phase 10 Rules

How To Play Phase 10?

The phase ten card game involves combination of cards according to their numbers, colors. One player is selected as a dealer. With each hand the dealer gets alternated towards left side players. The dealer shuffles the deck of the cards and deals ten cards in concealed face down way. One card is dealt at one time to each player. Players can hold their ten cards in hand now to start the play. The remaining deck of the card is placed in the center. Dealer overturns the top card of this remaining deck which is called draw pile and places it beside the draw pile. The player to the left of the dealer starts play by taking either the upturned (discarded pile) card or the top card of the draw pile. The player now chooses a card to discard (discard card is one that should be helping player to make the phase). All the players play in similar fashion of drawing and discarding cards aiming to make the 1st phase.

One by one all the phases are played in order of 1 to 10 as pre-phase 10 rules by the players during which they try to keep the cards which help them to complete the current phase and discard the cards to discard pile which will not help them to make the phase. In short, the target is to complete all the 10 phases first. Phase 10 is as popular as rummy card game. It is played by people of all age.

However, do go through the Phase 10 rules, instructions and points recording given in our further sections in this post to play the complete card game.

Phase 10 Cards

Phase 10 Game Phases

The phase 10 card game has 10 different phases and hence we are first acquainting you with all the 10 phases of the game with phase 10 rules. Phases are combination of cards consists of runs and sets. Find below the phase ten phases:

Sr. no.Combination of Cards
12 sets of 3
21 set of 3 + 1 run of 4
31 set of 4 + 1 run of 4
41 run of 7
51 run of 8
61 run of 9
72 sets of 4
87 cards of 1 color
91 set of 5 + 1 set of 2
101 set of 5 + 1 set of 3

The phases are to be completed or played in order. Each player at phase 10 card game can make only a single phase per hand. Keep reading to know the phase 10 rules, scoring and point instructions.

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Phase Ten Rules – Scoring & Points

Phase 10 rules allow scoring during the card game as under. The scores are to be recorded on a paper:

The winner of the hand does not score. Other players score points for the cards remaining in hand:

  • 5 points – for each card with numbers or value from 1 – 9
  • 10 points – for each card with numbers or value from 10-12
  • 15 points – for each Skip card
  • 25 points – for each wild card

The scores can be made only for the cards remaining in hands of players. Once the scores for the completed phase are recorded, the player sitting at the left of the dealer will become new dealer. All the cards are shuffled and new hand will be played for new phase. Phase 10 rules and instructions are as given below,

The fewer the number of cards left in hand, the better the scores will be.

Phase 10 Instructions

Here are some terms, definitions and phase 10 rules and instructions you need to follow along with the phase 10 rules.

Terms & Definitions

Phase 10 cards clip art
  • A set means two or more cards with the same value or number on its face.
  • A run consists of four or more cards in order of its value or numbers.
  • Wild Cards – Wild card is the non-numeral card used in place of a number card just to complete the phase. It can also be used as any colour card to complete the 8th
  • Skip card – It enables another player to lose the next turn. To play a skip card, you just have to discard the card and keep it in the discard pile. The next player will be skipped. Skipped cards cannot be picked up again once discarded and they are not used a s part of the phase.
  • Flushes – flushes are group of cards of all same colours and can be used as wild cards.
  • Hitting is getting rid of the leftover cards in players’ hands after making a phase.
  • As per phase 10 rules, player can make a hit only after making his own phase.
  • Players can hit a card by laying down a card on the phase made but the hit card should be fitting in with the cards in the phase. For instance a player may make a hit by adding single or more than one card of 4 number to the existing set of 4s in the phase. Card of 2 can be added to the run of 3, 4, 5 and 6. Cards of 7 and 8 can also be added to the run of 3, 4, 5 and 6.
  • Going Out simply means finishing a hand and getting rid of all the cards. A player should try to go out as soon as he finishes the hand by using hitting and discarding. The player who goes out first is the winner of the hand. All players who complete their phase can move on to play next phase. The players who can’t complete the phase get struck on the particular phase only.
  • Player who completes 10th phase, is the winner. If more than one player complete phase 10, the player with the lowest total scores is the winner of the game.

Get ready with the deck of your cards and enjoy phase 10 with your buddies competing the 10 fun-filled phases. Do you also play bridge, cribbage and spades? You will the rules of many other exciting card games here. Go through the rules of the card games and methods of how to play them to steal best fun moments with the brain-teasing games of numbers and luck. There are many other interesting games like chess game is also available to play. If you want to take your expertise to the next level you can try online casino card games and earn some money. Learn the rules of chess before you play this mind exercising game. Surely you are now all laced to play the phase ten with all the details of phase 10 rules, phase 10 phases and understanding on its terms. Stay with us for more interesting card games and rules.

Mini Review:

If you’ve never played the famous Phase 10 card game before, you’ve missed playing one of the most exciting and fun card games of the century! Hey, with over 32 million units sold (2nd only to UNO), the Phase 10 card game is an absolute classic!

With a pinch of strategy, and a heap of chance, the simple rules and unique gameplay gives you an exciting game from start to finish. Each hand is unpredictable, and challenging to strategize, but you’ll love to play it over and over again!

If you have 45-60 minutes, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the Phase 10 card game. Short on time? Use the “10-Hand Game” variation to create a fast and exciting game that moves from Phase one to Phase ten quickly... perfect for using at a party to quickly rotate people through.

Play even more variations, and enjoy Phase 10 in a whole new way. Double the Phases, limit the hands, float a hand… it’s fun every time and in every way you play it!

Game Details:

Game Name: Phase 10: A Rummy Type Card Game with a Challenging and Exciting Twist!

Company: Fundex

Players: 2-6

Setup Time: less than 1 minute

Playing Time: averages more than 3 minutes a hand, approx 45-60 minutes per game

Game Contents: 108 cards (96 numbered cards of 4 different colors, 8 Wild cards and 4 Skip cards)

Plastic phase 10 cards


The object of Phase 10 card game is to be the first player to finish all 10 Phases before any other player.

For each hand played, a player attempts to lay down their current Phase and then playing their remaining cards on lain-down 'Phases'. The first player that goes out (who has played all their cards, finishing with a discard), ends the hand and earns no penalty points. Every other player tallies their penalty points and records them.

If there is a tie at the end of the game, the points (lowest score) are used to determine the final winner.

Phase 10 Card Game Rules:

Click here for official, detailed Phase 10 card game rules, gameplay instructions and how to use special cards.
SETUP: Gameplay is clockwise. Each player is dealt 10 cards, with the remaining deck face down as a draw pile, and one card turned over to start the discard pile.

Play begins with the player to the left of the dealer.

Phase 10 cards score sheet

PLAY: On your turn, pick up from either the draw pile or discard pile to begin your play. During each hand, each player attempts to complete and lay down their current Phase. To end your turn, discard any of your cards on the top of the discard pile.

On the first hand, your goal is to lay down the first Phase. If you succeed at laying down the current Phase, you end the hand by discarding the rest of your cards on any laid-down Phase during the remaining turns of the hand. You cannot add cards from your hand onto laid-down Phases until you lay your Phase down first.

On the following hands, if a player completed the previous Phase, they move on to the next Phase to complete. Otherwise, they stay on their current Phase until they complete it. This means that not all the players will be on the same Phase during each hand.

END OF HAND: When the first player goes out during the hand, play finishes and the remaining players tally their penalty scores for the remaining cards in their hands.

END OF GAME: The first player to complete the last Phase (Phase #10) and discards all their remaining cards ends the game. If more than one player manages to lay down the last Phase during the last hand, the lowest total score wins the game.

WILD CARDS: Wild cards can be used in any run or set, as long as it isn’t a run or set of wild cards by themselves.

SKIP CARDS: Skip cards are used to skip any player of choice during a round of play. A round of play is once around the table. A discarded Skip card cannot be picked up from the discard pile.

Tips, Hints & Strategies:

Knowledge is Power:
To have the best chance at winning a hand, make sure you keep track of what the other players are playing… or not playing. If you pay special attention to the person on each side of you, you’ll have a decent chance of discovering what they need by which cards they discard and which cards they pick up. Knowing this can help you decide what cards to keep and which to give away.

Skip, But Carefully:
The best used Skip card is a wisely used Skip card. Don’t waste it as a revenge card against someone who just played it on you. Save it for when you need it. Use it on someone who’s about to go out if you need more time. Doing that will also, strangely enough, get it out of your hand in case they do go out since it’s worth a lot of penalty points!

High Sets and Low Runs:
If the cards you are dealt don’t make it obvious what to collect to complete your Phase, the general rule out there is to collect high cards for sets and low cards for runs. Since high cards are generally thrown out first, it’s a good idea to try to collect these for short sets (no more than a set of 3, though). Collecting low cards for runs helps keep your penalty points down if you don’t manage to complete your Phase during that hand. This is best used if you are collecting for long runs of 7 or more.

Variations of the Phase 10 Card Game:

10-Hand Game:
If you are looking for a shorter round of play, this Phase 10 variation plays only ten hands. The game starts on Phase #1, and each player automatically graduates to the next Phase on the next hand: whether they completed the current Phase or not. The winner is decided by total penalty points. Lowest wins.

Phase 10 + 10 (by Justin Huneke):
It's the same game as the standard Phase 10 card game, except that the 10th Phase only marks the half-way point! After the 10th Phase there are 10 more to play... 11. 4 sets of 2 12. 1 set of 4 + 1 run of 5 13. 1 set of 5 + 1 run of 5 14. 1 run of 4 + 4 cards of one color 15. 1 run of 5 + 4 cards of one color 16. 1 run of 10 17. 1 set of 4 + 1 set of 5 18. 9 cards of one color 19. 1 set of 6 + 1 set of 2 20. 1 set of 6 + 1 set of 3Warning! This game can take upwards of 4-5 hours... only for die-hard Phase 10'ers!

Floating (source: Wikipedia):
While not a true variation on gameplay, it offers a different way of “going out”.

'A variation of going out is for a player to draw a card and then play all cards in their hand without discarding. This is known as going out 'floating'. Because the player must be able to discard a card in order to actually end the hand, other players now have at least one extra turn in which to go out themselves or at least improve their score.

In addition, a 'floating' player must draw a card and play it if able, and must draw the top card from the discard pile if it can be played; thus the floating player can be forced to play on their next turn instead of drawing and discarding. The floating player can also be skipped as normal. If someone else goes out before the 'floater', the floater receives a zero score, but does not technically win the hand.

Phase 10 Card Game Instructions

The strategic value of floating is that the person immediately preceding the floating player is generally forced to try to 'keep them afloat' for at least a few turns, either by discarding cards the floating player is required to pick up and play, or by skipping the floater. This generally puts the player preceding the floater at a disadvantage compared to the other players and makes it less likely that that player will be able to finish their Phase if they have not yet done so.

Players can use this strategy to 'gang up' on one player; the player after them will float, forcing the player to try to keep them afloat while all other players get a number of extra turns to try to lay down their Phase or go out.

Of course, the player preceding the floater is not actually forced to keep them afloat and may be able to go out themselves, lay down their Phase (thus drastically reducing their score for the hand), or may simply concede the hand by allowing the floater to draw (the card drawn is likely to be an unplayable, thus discard-able, card).

If a player is floating, and there is no possible card that could be discarded or drawn to prevent that player from being able to discard, they are known as 'floating dead'. This is rare, and usually happens when the floating player completes Phases 5, 6, or 7, no-one else has completed their Phase, and the floater's run has expanded through all 12 values.

If no-one else can lay down a hittable Phase in that turn, only another player playing a Skip or the floater drawing a Skip will keep the hand going, and only 4 exist in the deck.'

Phase 10 Cards Walmart

Phase 10 Card Game Printables:

Click the links to read and print the PDF in your browser, or right-click it to download it to your computer.
Printable Phase 10 Phases and Rules.
Cheat cards of all the 10 Phases and each card’s penalty points as well as a set of the Phase 10 card game quick rules.
Printable Phase 10 Scorecard.
Phase 10 scorecards with scoring/points summary.
Phase 10 cards walmartPrintable Phase 10+10 Phases.
A cheat card for the “Phase 10 + 10” variation. (You should also print off a bunch of scorecards to keep track of this marathon Phase 10 card game!)


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