7 Card Stud

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  1. 7 Card Stud Poker
  2. 7 Card Stud Rules

Seven-card stud poker is a classic poker game. The most important thing to remember when learning this game is that you get 7 cards to make your final 5 card hand, and you don't have to use any specific ones, just whichever 5 make the highest hand.

Seven Card Stud Poker Compile the best five-card combination and defeat all foes. Object of the Game The goal of each player is to win the pot, which contains all the bets that the players. Poker: Seven Card Stud. By Masque Publishing. Play a popular poker variation - four face up cards and three cards face down with structured betting. Your Gaming History. Seven-card stud is played with two downcards and one upcard dealt before the first betting round, followed by three more upcards (with a betting round after each card) and one more downcard.


7 Card Stud Poker

What You Need:

  • 52-Card Deck
  • Chips (or something to bet with)
  • 2-7 Players

Difficulty: Easy

Estimated Time: 15 Minutes

Here's How:

  1. All players put in an ante.
  2. Starting to his/her left, the dealer deals each player two cards down (called hole or pocket cards) and one card face-up.
  3. Everyone looks at their hole cards.
  4. The player with the lowest card showing face-up has to put in a small bet called a 'bring in.' Then betting continues to that low-card player's left. Each player can call, raise, or fold their cards.
  5. After the betting is completed, another card is dealt to each player face-up. This card is also known as 'fourth street' or 'the turn.'
  6. Another round of betting occurs, starting now with the player with the highest cards showing. From fourth street on, the player with the highest cards showing will continue to be the first to bet.
  7. After betting is complete, the fifth card (fifth street or the river) is dealt face-up. More betting occurs, then the sixth card is dealt face up. More betting.
  8. The 7th and final card is dealt face-down to the players remaining in the hand. A final round of betting occurs.
  9. The players show their hands at the showdown. The player who can make the best five-card hand from the seven they were dealt, wins.
Each level has its own significance and requirements to win the game. If you are having any experience of on the table practical casino or online poker games then you are more likely to understand the techniques and strategies discussed below:

General Tips:

7 card stud poker as mentioned before is a game involving the tactics of high cards. The decision of the winning hands in this game does not rely upon the flushes or straights. Instead of these big hands tactics, the general winning hand should be having a pair of high cards. The initiation of the 7 card stud poker should be done with a pair of high cards or at least one high card which maybe capable of beating the board and should be regarded as a high card in comparison to any of the card which is available on the deck. The low pairs which are available on the board in turn increase the worth of high hand pair of high cards and gives a justification of the continuity of the seven card stud poker.
A list of following comprehensive definitions related to seven card stud poker enables you to understand the techniques in a more understandable way:

Definitions involved in 7 card stud poker game:

High pair cards:

A high pair card are ranging from 10 through A and depicts a favorable winning chances if used in the mid-level of the 7 card stud poker game.

Low pair cards:

A pair of low cards indicates a range of 2 through 9 which are usually avoided to play by the players.

Split pair cards:

Split pair cards are used as the starting hand in which a combination of up cards and down cards is involved.

High over cards:

A pair of minimum 2 or maximum 3 high cards together makes up the high over cards. These high over cards are higher in value than any of the cards available on the board.

Concealed pair cards:

Concealed pair cards are usually played to ensure trips in a slow play strategy which are headed towards Fourth Street.

Live cards:

Live cards are those cards which are not yet revealed on the deck and are yet to be exposed. Every 7 card stud poker player is recommended to initiate the game with live cards to ensure more trips.

Dead Cards:

Dead cards are those pair of cards which are already exposed on the deck and cannot be possibly obtain again from the board.

Slow play:

Slow play is a tact to keep other opponents in the game by checking the possibilites to increase odd pots.

Fast Play:

On the other hand in fast play a player can use the tactics of betting to raise and then re-raise. This all helps the player to get as many opponents out of the game as possible.

High Kicker card:

A pair of low card is also known as a high kicker card which is used if your multiple key cards are either dead or revealed by the opponent.

High 7 card stud flush:

In a high 7 card stud flush pair of high cards incorporating the strategies of flushes are involved.

High trips:

High trips are denoted by AAA through 101010. You are supposed to fast play these cards as any of your opponent will always offer you high pair cards in order to kneel you down the board.

Check fold:

Check fold means to check your paired cards when it is possible to check and once you are bet into the game try to fold your cards by enhancing your chances to win the game promptly.

High seven card stud straight:

7 card stud hi lo

7 Card Stud Rules

Unlike the high 7 card stud flush, this card involves the strategies of straight cards followed by two high cards as quite explicit from its name.

Tips and Techniques to win:

. If you have initiated the game with a high pair card then try to fast play these cards as they can help you to get your opponents out of the game.
. If you are seeking to build the pot odds then you have to use slow play tactic in order to keep the other players in the game.
. You can use slow play tactic until the fifth card in order to keep the players around this starting hand.
. One must avoid playing three cards that are heading towards low straight or low flush cards.
. If you feel that the opponents are turning the tides against your game then you must quickly begin to fold on earlier stages.
. You must keep a strong watch on the game of your opponent.
. You can use a side card to begin the game as small cards beginning always help to beat the board quickly.
. Use bluffing techniques only when you are sure of not being caught. This makes your game very unpredictable for your opponent and in return enables you to win more pot odds and trips.
. When you are playing a seven card stud game, you must keep a watch on the first four cards once the game has begun. These four cards are often regarded as the key cards which can help you beat the board and take the opponent on hands.
. If you are unlikely to play hands then try to undergo the playing strategies of your opponent. Keep a check on their play hands and folds. Apply the techniques of bluff after being sure of the fact that your opponents can be bluffed.
. If your opponent uses straight or flush draws which gets hit on the 7th card which is probably the last card of the seventh card stud poker then your bet maybe wasted because during the last card there is very little in the pot left.
. A paired door card can prove to be a dangerous strategy of the opponent during your game. Thus, you are recommended to avoid playing a door card which has been already paired by high or low cards.
. Try to undergo a thorough study of your opponent in order to disclose any sort of information about their draw hands.